Product Update
Hello and welcome to our very first product update post! We're thrilled to take this opportunity to update you on the latest developments at Whether you're a user, a project, or an investor, we're eager to share what we've been working on to bring value to the Web3 space.
Why We're Writing
In the dynamic, fast-paced environment of the crypto industry, we're constantly developing new features. Your early feedback is crucial, especially if you're part of a project already engaged with our platform. This real-time input allows us not only to fine-tune our existing features but also to roadmap our future development plans.
If you're wondering where to find an overview of all the features on, stay tuned for a series of blog posts that will introduce each one. In the meantime, visit our landing page for a quick overview.
What We've Been Working On
Tracking & Smart Audience
Many Web3 projects that support wallet logins (e.g., login with MetaMask) often lack the infrastructure to understand the composition of the Web3 addresses with which they are interacting. The majority rely on traditional Web2 solutions like Google Analytics for tracking page views and session data. We aim to fill this gap by providing Web3 projects with audience tracking capabilities. With our platform's integration, projects can see real-time information about their Web3 audience, analyze it on the spot, and segment it automatically using the Smart Audience feature.
Feature 1: Tracking
Projects can easily and flexibly track their Web3 audiences' interactions on their platform or DApps, gaining meaningful insights into their activities in real-time. Achainable assists projects in collecting, analyzing, and presenting these tracking data.
Feature 2: Smart Audiences
Achainable helps projects automatically segment their Web3 audience data gathered from tracking events. For example, if a project defines an address with a USDT balance over 1000 and holding an ENS domain as belonging to the "VIP group," Achainable will automatically place any matching address into this "VIP group" for future use.
Feature 3: Token Balance Holding Median Value
Users can quickly ascertain the median balance value of selected tokens (e.g., USDT, Ether) for a chosen Web3 cohort. We use the median value instead of the average for balance distribution indicators because the median is less sensitive to outliers and extreme values, providing a more robust and representative measure of central tendency for skewed or unevenly distributed data sets.
Upcoming Features
We're constantly working to enhance Achainable, with more exciting updates in the pipeline:
Third-party analytical dashboard integration, enabling projects to leverage Achainable’s powerful on-chain analytics.
We're always open to feedback and would love to hear your thoughts on these updates. Feel free to leave a comment below or contact us at
Thank you for your support. We're excited about what lies ahead and grateful that you're joining us on this journey.